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Principal’s News - 30 August 2024

Posted on 29 August 2024
Principal’s News - 30 August 2024

Last Saturday we were blessed with the almost perfect day to host our friends from Sacred Heart College in the final day of the 101st Intercol. I take this opportunity to thank the staff, students and members of the College Executive and Leadership teams who made this event happen. I especially acknowledge the significant work done by our Co-Curricular Team of Jordan Young, Sarah Catterwell and Joel Size who did an outstanding job coordinating the different venues and events across the week. We look forward to heading to Sacred Heart in 2025 for the 102nd Intercol.  

During the final four weeks this term, I am taking a period of leave before returning in Term 4. In my absence the very capable Mr Cameron Alexander will be Acting Principal and equally capable Mr Daniel Stratford will be Deputy Principal. I look forward to returning in Term 4 to what I’m certain will be a rich and full term to conclude the 2024 school year. 

On behalf of all at Rostrevor, I wish a Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers and father figures in our Rostrevor College community this Sunday. I hope your day is special and gives you some moments to spend time with one another and create special and memories with your families and loved ones. 

Junior Years Father’s Day Colour Run

Thank you to the fathers and special friends who came along to spend a fun afternoon with their Junior Years children yesterday. Rostrevor’s youngest learners and their grownups enjoyed a BBQ and colour run, being decorated with colourful powder thrown by enthusiastic teachers and Senior Years students.  

St Vincent de Paul Winter Sleep Out

Congratulations to the Social Justice group and Egan House for organising the Vinnies Winter Sleep out last night. 31 Middle and Senior Years students spent the night sleeping rough to better understand the challenges faced by those experiencing homelessness. Mark from St Vincent De Paul presented to the boys about how Vinnies serve the local and global community through their different and varied services, how homelessness can occur and what we can do to help to ensure the dignity of the person is respected. The students made biscuits to donate, got to know each other better playing board games and participated in a time of prayerful contemplation in the Valley before sleeping on cardboard in Mackey Mall. 

Year 10 Geography Fieldwork

Our Year 10 Geography students are learning to investigate issues and solve problems in our environment this year. On Tuesday and Thursday of this week they undertook fieldwork to explore the response of local councils to an environmental management issue. As they journeyed along the Torrens River to the sea, they became more aware of their surrounding and how those surroundings are impacted by natural events such as flooding, development pressures and decisions in the urban environment.  

2025 Prefect Candidate Speeches

This week, our Middle and Senior Years students gathered to hear speeches from their 2025 student leadership candidates. Decisions will be made soon for Head Prefect, Deputy Head Prefect, Head Boarder, Sports, Arts, Identity, Aboriginal Programs and House Captains, and will be announced to our community on Friday next week. Keep an eye out for the announcement in the Principal’s News and on social media! 

Year 3 Cooking Class

Our Year 3 students were treated to a special excursion on Wednesday, journeying to Scoffed Cooking School at St Morris for a morning of fun. They made chicken tacos as they learned essential cooking skills that will stay with them for a lifetime. 

University Pathway Mentoring

This term Year 12 students have had the opportunity to discuss possible university pathways with two Prospective Student Counsellors: The University of South Australia’s Olivia Hocking and The University of Adelaide’s Joel Driver (an Old Collegian from the Class of ’14). Both counsellors have provided invaluable support to the Year 12s with personalised information on degrees, selection requirements, general pathways and scholarships. 

Centenary Book

I’m excited to announce that the Rostrevor College Centenary Books landed last week and are now available for collection! Families who have pre-ordered are invited to drop in to collect their copy from the Main Front Office or will received their copy shortly via delivery. 

Orders can still be placed via TryBooking HERE or purchased from the College Uniform Shop and Front Office.  

Rostrevor College Music Night 2024

Rostrevor families are warmly invited to attend the Rostrevor College Music Night 2024. This event is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the rich talent within the Arts at Rostrevor College, featuring performances from Junior, Middle and Senior Years students. 

When: Thursday 12 September, 7.00pm - 10.00pm 
Where: Futures Church Paradise 
Cost: Free admission for all student performers
Cost: Adult Ticket - $25.00 
Cost: Child Ticket - $15.00 


Empower Education Webinar

In this webinar run specifically for Rostrevor College, Empower Education will discuss how to have a positive influence when talking about alcohol and other drugs with your Senior Years children. REGISTER HERE

When: Thursday 17 October, 6:30pm - 7:45pm  
Cost: Free 

Rostrevor X Manchester City Football October School Holiday Clinics

Held at Rostrevor College during the Term 3 Holidays, the clinics are designed to develop players’ skills in a fun, safe and exciting environment inclusive of all abilities. The clinics are open to boys and girls from the wider Rostrevor community in Years 1 - 10.  

Bookings are essential. BOOK HERE 


Intercol 2024

The Rostrevor College vs Sacred Heart College Intercol is done and dusted for another year! Photo galleries and match scores can be found HERE

Term Dates

Term dates for 2024 are available by clicking HERE.


Current Co-Curricular fixtures and maps are available by clicking HERE.

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