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Acting Principal’s News - 20 September 2024

Posted on 20 September 2024
Acting Principal’s News - 20 September 2024

The newly appointed 2025 Prefect Elect embarked on a 3-day camp lead by Daniel Stratford, Tom Hodkinson and Heads of House last weekend. The camp acted as an orientation program which also further strengthened the bonds between the students as well as with staff. The camp focused on leadership training, team building, understanding roles and responsibilities, problem-solving and scenario training as well as planning and preparing for 2025 events.   

The Prefect Camp was a foundational step in ensuring that next year's leaders are equipped, motivated, and united in serving our College community. We wish our Prefects all the best as they take on the reins unofficially in Term 4. 

'Wear Your Colours' Day

Today, the Year 6 leaders hosted a ‘Wear Your Colours’ Day in exchange for a gold coin donation. Proceeds will go to support Edmund Rice Camps and St Vincent de Paul charities. Junior Years students loved being able to wear their favourite sports top or guernsey for the day and participate in some sports activities during recess and lunch led by the Year 6 leaders. 

ICAS English Awards

Earlier this term many students chose to participate in the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) competition, with their academic prowess being tested against students from across Australia. Congratulations to the following students who received outstanding grades in the English competition: 


    • Sayhl Soodan 
    • Jordan Becker 
    • Luke Tremonte   
    • Konstantinos Valakos  


    • Dylan Rehn  
    • Spencer De Lacy  
    • Luca Iuliano  
    • Chanithu Kottahachchi  
    • Felix Szarvas  
    • Kalan Marzullo  
    • Finn McNamara  
    • Luca Ruotolo  

    Year 5 Crossing Monitor Training

    On Tuesday the Year 5 cohort completed their official SAPOL crossing monitor training in preparation for when they take on the responsibility next year. Every day, Year 6s are tasked with the important job of ensuring that all Rostrevor students, especially Junor Years students, are able to make their way home from school safely as they cross over Kintyre Road. Thank you to the Police Officer from SAPOL and current Year 6 leaders who came along to ensure the boys are equipped to deliver this service as they become Junior Years leaders next year.  

    P.A.R.T.Y Program

    The Prevent Alcohol and Risk-Related Trauma in Youth (P.A.R.T.Y) Program is a full-day interactive trauma prevention program for young Australians aged 15 and over. Participants are shown potential outcomes of risky behaviour with the hope that the experience encourages them to think twice to prevent making bad decisions. Hear from Year 11 student Sam Carey about yesterday’s excursion to the Royal Adelaide Hospital:

    Yesterday’s P.A.R.T.Y program at the RAH was eye-opening! It gave you an insight into the effects of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and negative choices regarding behaviour has on ourselves and our families and friends. Undertaking the simulation of a trauma nurse in the ED with a patient really showed how stressful the work is and the lengths they go to help stop and reduce these incidents. Overall, I’d recommend that all students attend the presentation as a way of seeing first-hand the impacts our choices can have on the people we love. 

    Vacation Care

    Vacation care delivered by the YMCA is available for Rostrevor families on-site over the upcoming school holidays. For activity schedules, fees and to book, view the flier HERE

    2024 Presentation Night

    Presentation Night is Rostrevor’s annual celebration of academic achievement and is a compulsory event for students in Years 3-12 with attendance rolls taken on arrival. This year’s event will be on Monday 28 October, from 7:00pm to 9:00pm at Futures Church Paradise Campus. This event is free to attend, but for the purpose of monitoring attendance numbers, we ask families to please book tickets HERE. Please note that Rostrevor students do not require tickets. See the letter sent to families today HERE.

    Rostrevor X Manchester City Football October School Holiday Clinics

    Last chance to book into the October Manchester City Football School Holiday Clinics!

    Held at Rostrevor College during the Term 3 Holidays, the clinics are designed to develop players’ skills in a fun, safe and exciting environment inclusive of all abilities. The clinics are open to boys and girls from the wider Rostrevor community in Years 1 - 10. Bookings are essential. BOOK HERE 


    Senior Football Presentation Night

    The 2024 Senior Football Presentation Dinner took place last night at the Campbelltown Oval as we celebrated the year that was. We crowned award winners from our Third XVIII, Second XVIII and First XVIII as well as paying tribute the Year 12 football cohort who we hope continue to don the red and black by playing for Rostrevor Old Collegians in 2025 and beyond. 

    Thank you to the coaches, support staff and families for your involvement in what was another successful year of Football at the College. A special thank you to Bill Trewartha for being MC on the night and the Development Office for their help organising the event. Congratulations to the award winners: 

    First XVIII 

    • Best Team Man: William Marshall 
    • Coaches Award: Domenico Zappia 
    • Best First Year Player: Charlie Best 
    • Red and Black: Balyn O’Brien 
    • Runner-Up Best and Fairest: Jack Michalanney 
    • Best and Fairest: Ned McCarthy 

    Second XVIII 

    • Best and Fairest: Zac Searle 
    • Red and Black: Noah Bischoff and Thomas Fotheringham 
    • Coaches Award: Sam Carey 

    Third XVIII 

    • Best and Fairest: Kade Pittaway 
    • Coaches Award: Jay Vanderwerf 
    • Red and Black: Oliver Kerkman 

    2024 Ambrose Golf Tournament

    Last week the Rostrevor Golf team made its way out to the North Adelaide Golf Course for their annual Ambrose Tournament. It was a beautiful day for golf, as the boys paired up and went on their way to attack the 18 holes of the North Course. Tim Randall and Sid McDonald came out on top, winning overall. Congratulations to all the boys for a great day out. 


    ROCFC Premiership

    Congratulations to the Rostrevor Old Collegians Football Club A Grade team who took home the silverware on Saturday, besting a strong Salisbury North Football Club side at Cooper’s Stadium, Norwood. They finished on 10.6 66 to Salisbury’s 7.13 55 to be crowned the Adelaide Footy League’s 2024 Division 2 Premiers. This win confirms ROCFC’s A Grade team a place in the Division 1 competition for 2025. 

    Term Dates

    Term dates for 2024 are available by clicking HERE.

    Term 3 concludes on Friday 27 September 2024.
    Term 4 starts on Monday 14 October 2024. 


    Current Co-Curricular fixtures and maps are available by clicking HERE.

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