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Acting Principal’s News - 13 September 2024

Posted on 13 September 2024
Acting Principal’s News - 13 September 2024

With only two weeks left of Term 3, we’ve started to approach the pointy end of 2025. As such, I wish all students undertaking Stage 2 subjects in the Senior Years good luck as they head into their trial exams next week.  

Nearing the end of one’s studies is always a stressful time. R U Ok? Day yesterday was a timely reminder that prioritising our mental health is just as important as prioritising our studies. This year, we remember to ask the people close to us R U Ok? any day, because life happens every day. A lot can happen in a year, a month, a week. Whether it’s your friend, family member, colleague, partner, or teammate, the people you care about go through life’s ups and downs every day. To compliment the mental health first aid training our Middle and Senior Years students are undertaking at the moment, they were encouraged to check in with their friends and loved ones, because a conversation could change a life.  

Music Night

I think there was no better way for us to honour the ‘Year of Inclusivity’ than for all of Rostrevor’s students to come together to celebrate their musical talents at this one spectacular event. And I don’t use the word ‘talents’ lightly - the musical capabilities of Rostrevor students are, and always have been, truly exceptional. I would like to congratulate our many musicians who worked hard to develop their skills this year to deliver a stellar performance last night. I commend our Music Department for their tireless efforts behind the scenes that prepare our students for performances such as these, and for facilitating a range of amazing opportunities for Rostrevor’s musicians to grow and thrive.  

Year 11 Formal

The Year 11 Formal was a night to remember! Held at JDF Receptions on Friday last week, the cohort and their guests were treated to an evening of good food, good company and a lively dance floor. Thank you to Year 11 student Lukas Bellden who captured most of the photos in the gallery.

Year 10 Canoe Expedition

The Year 10 Outdoor Education class embarked on a three-day canoe expedition through the ecologically rich regions of Murtho, Bulyong Island and the Murray River in South Australia last week. The camp was designed to promote teamwork, outdoor skills, resilience, and environmental awareness among students.  

After packing supplies and distributing gear, the group launched their canoes into calm waters and embarked upon a scenic route past pelicans, kingfishers, and occasional kangaroos grazing by the water’s edge. The students quickly learned the importance of paddling in sync with their canoe partners, developing communication and teamwork skills. They also reflected upon the significance of the Murray as an essential water source for agriculture, wildlife and communities, as well as the environmental challenges facing the region.  

ROCA Presentation

One thing that has struck me since commencing at Rostrevor this year is how connected and tight knit the Old Collegian community is. After graduating, Old Collegians really do live up to the Rostrevor Old Collegians Association (ROCA) motto ‘connected for life’. The majority of Old Collegians choose to stay connected through ROCA sporting clubs.  

Yesterday, ROCA President Angelo Piantadosi ('82) and representatives from the ROCA Football, Soccer, Cricket and Handball clubs visited our Year 12s to talk to them about joining after graduation. With a staggering 40% of last year’s graduating class choosing to continue to don the red and black on the sporting field this year, the clubs are keen to keep up the momentum with the Class of 2024. The clubs also put on a BBQ for the cohort, marking the first of their official graduation events.  

Indigenous Youth Leadership Program Trip

Last week, Year 9 and 10 students from the Smith Family Indigenous Youth Leadership Program (IYLP) came together for an event at Sydney Olympic Park. The event featured a diverse range of activities including cultural immersion, wellbeing sessions, career mentoring, a Tribal Warrior Harbour Cruise, music video creation, art workshops, and team-building exercises. Students were organised into groups comprised of peers from various schools, with each group guided by two IYLP alumni serving as mentors. 

Rostrevor students Lucas Johncock and Malakai Le Rossignol travelled with Aboriginal Program Coordinator, Che Murray to Sydney for the four-day event. 

Stage 1 Agriculture Excursion

Yesterday, the Stage 1 Agriculture students travelled to Roseworthy to visit a crop trial site where they checked on their entries as part of research company AgXtra's schools crop competition. It was great for them to see the progress of their team's crop, where they had earlier researched and decided on a suitable wheat variety, sowing rate and fertiliser regime. This was followed by a trip to Australian Grain Technologies (AGT), Australia's largest plant breeding company, where they were shown how to cross breed wheat for improved traits, their impressive glasshouse technology as well a range of potential jobs in the industry. This complemented the 'Grains and Cropping' topic they are learning about at school.  

Rostrevor X Manchester City Football October School Holiday Clinics

Held at Rostrevor College during the Term 3 Holidays, the clinics are designed to develop players’ skills in a fun, safe and exciting environment inclusive of all abilities. The clinics are open to boys and girls from the wider Rostrevor community in Years 1 - 10.  

Bookings are essential. BOOK HERE 


Middle and Senior Years Athletics Carnival

Congratulations to all students who represented their House colours at the Middle and Senior Years Athletics Carnival on Wednesday. Every student who participated in a field, track or novelty event or who showed up to support their teammates should be commended on their contribution to what was fantastic display of Rostrevor’s athletic prowess. Thank you to the Co-Curricular and PE team who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to facilitate the event.

  • Br Mogg Overall House Shield - Egan   
  • Middle Years Shield - Egan  
  • Senior Years Shield - Gurr   
  • Spirit Shield - O'Brien 

First XI vs ROCSC Match

The First XI played a friendly match against the Rostrevor Old Collegians Soccer Club (ROCSC) on Wednesday - the first match of its kind since the 1980s! The first half was a competitive match and despite Vincenzo Scalzi putting Old Collegian staff member Damien Pipicella to the test, the score remained 0-0 at half-time. The First XI team took the lead in the second half when Max Wucsko swept in a tidy finish. The many changes ROCSC made proved to be key as fresh legs meant they were able to take advantage of the tiring First XI players and score three goals late in the game to secure the win in a well spirited friendly match. The game also served as a way for current students to get to know ROCSC players, some of whom will become their future teammates.  

School Sports Australia U15 'All-Australian' Cricket Team Selection

Congratulations to Year 10 boarding student Jarrah Reidy who has been selected for the U15 School Sports Australia 'All-Australian' Cricket team! His outstanding performance during the recent National U15 School Sports Carnival earned him a place on this exclusive team. Amazing achievement, Jarrah! 

Term Dates

Term dates for 2024 are available by clicking HERE.


Current Co-Curricular fixtures and maps are available by clicking HERE.

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